Sale Now thru Valentine’s Day
Time to Spoil Your Sweetheart or Yourself! Sale Starts Now through Friday, February 14, 2025. 20% OFF Designer Frames including...
Holiday Schedule
Get ready to make the most of your vision benefits, Flex Spending and HSA accounts this holiday season! We’re excited...
We Love Our Sign!
Patients can now easily find us. Our name is now listed on the outdoor sign for our building at 4185...
Back to School Eye Exams
As parents, we want to ensure that our children have the best possible start in their education. Making sure they...
How do you celebrate the Fourth of July?
Eye Safety First! Perhaps with a festive barbecue, a lively parade, or decked out in vibrant red, white, and blue...
Voted Best in The Woodlands
This has been a fantastic year for Wright Eye Care Center. In March, we were named Best Eye Care Doctor...
Eye Care Tips for Summer Water Fun
Summer is here, and for many of us, that means heading to the water to cool off and have fun....
New Lunch Hour Starting June 3rd
Our new lunch hour will be Monday – Thursday from 12:30pm to 1:30 pm. We do not take lunch on...
Dr. Slade Complimentary Consultations
Dr Stephen Slade will be providing Lasik and Cataract consultations in our office on March 28, 2024. Please call now,...
Basic Tips for Keeping Your Eyes Healthy
Approximately one in six adults grapple with sight-threatening eye conditions, while a significant number experience some degree of vision loss...