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Wright Eye Care Center

4185 Technology Forest Blvd Ste. 225
The Woodlands TX 77381

Office Hours: M-Th 8:30 to 5:30, Fri. 8:30 to 3:00
Closed for Lunch: M-Th 12:30 to 1:30

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Home Services

Wright Eye Care Center provides a full range of services for family eye care.


If you’re looking for a clinical examination of the eye, Dr. Wright offers different types of eye exams to evaluate your vision and eye health, including:

Good eye health and vision start with a comprehensive eye exam. Eye exams are just as critical as annual exams with your physician and cardiologist and other medical practitioners you see annually.

Comprehensive Eye Exam

A comprehensive eye exam is a clinical examination of your eye. Dr. Wright recommends an annual exam for adults and children starting age 5. For this exam. Dr. Wright inspects your eye’s anatomy and eye health thoroughly. Depending on the initial results of the test, additional testing may be necessary.

Routine Eye Exam

For patients who need a basic eye exam to check on specific vision concerns, we can refer to this exam as a “routine eye exam.” What is the difference between a comprehensive eye exam vs. a routine eye exam? A routine eye exam is involves only the vision, pupil, eye movement, and eye pressure tests to assess eye health and look for refractive errors.

Contact Lens Exam

A contact lens exam is required to determine your depth perception, visual acuity, and general eye health before contacts can be prescribed. Typically, the appointment includes corneal topography and a tear film evaluation, in addition to the other tests needed for a comprehensive eye exam. You will also show you how to insert and remove your contacts.


Glaucoma "The Silent Thief of Sight"

Glaucoma is known as “the sneak thief of sight.” There are no symptoms and once vision is lost due to glaucoma, it’s permanent. As much as 40% of vision can be lost without a person even noticing. Half the people with glaucoma do not even know they have it.

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness.

There is an epidemic of blindness looming in society today. That is why it is important to raise awareness about the impact of annual eye examinations to preserve your vision.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve resulting in vision loss and even blindness. Open-angle glaucoma, the most common form, results in increased eye pressure. There are often no early symptoms, which is why half of people with glaucoma don’t know they have the disease.

Who is at risk?

Although the most common forms primarily affect the middle-aged and the elderly, glaucoma can affect people of all ages. African Americans over age 40, all people over age 60, people with glaucoma in their family history, and those with diabetes are also at a higher risk.

Is there a cure?

There is no cure for glaucoma—yet. However, medication or surgery can slow or prevent further vision loss. The appropriate treatment depends upon the type of glaucoma among other factors. Early detection is vital to stopping the progression of the disease, preserving your vision and preventing vision loss.

The best way to protect your sight from glaucoma is to get an annual, comprehensive eye examination at Wright Eye Care Center. Dr. Wright can help you prevent, diagnose and treat glaucoma. Contact our office 936-297-2030 to schedule your appointment.

Dry Eye

Our eyes need tears to stay healthy and comfortable. If your eyes do not produce enough tears, it is called dry eye. Dry eye is also when your eyes do not make the right type of tears or tear film.

Treating Dry Eye by Adding Tears

Your optometrist might tell you to use artificial tears. These are eye drops that are like your own tears. You can use artificial tears as often as you need to. You can buy artificial tears without a prescription. There are many brands. Try a few until you find a brand that works best for you.

If you use artificial tears more than six times a day or are allergic to preservatives, you should use preservative-free tears. This is because the tears with preservatives may start to irritate your eyes.

Stop Dry Eye by Saving Tears

Your optometrist may suggest blocking your tear ducts. This makes your natural tears stay in your eyes longer. Tiny silicone or gel plugs (called punctal plugs) may be inserted in your tear ducts. These plugs can be removed later as needed. Your optometrist could also recommend surgery that permanently closes your tear ducts.

Your optometrist might have you use a prescription eyedrop medication. This helps your eyes make more of their own tears.

Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a problem with your retina. It happens when a part of the retina called the macula is damaged.

With AMD you lose your central vision. You cannot see fine details, whether you are looking at something close or far. But your peripheral (side) vision will still be normal. For instance, imagine you are looking at a clock with hands. With AMD, you might see the clock’s numbers but not the hands.

AMD is very common. It is a leading cause of vision loss in people 50 years or older.

Diabetic Disease

Diabetes can affects the eyes.

Diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the tissue at the back of the eye (retina).

Early symptoms include floaters, blurriness, dark areas of vision, and difficulty perceiving colors. Blindness can occur.

Mild cases may be treated with careful diabetes management. Advanced cases may require laser treatment or surgery.


Diabetic Exams

Diabetic eye exams are similar to regular eye exams in many ways. However, during a diabetic eye exam, Dr. Wright will specifically focus on the health of your retina and integrity of the blood vessels in your eye.

Eye Injury

You can’t always tell when an eye is injured. Some injuries, such as raised eye pressure or a detached retina, are only obvious when they get really serious

Eye injuries can cause vision loss or blindness. That’s why calling Dr. Wright as soon as possible is important, even if the injury seems minor at first. DO NOT attempt to treat a serious eye injury yourself.

Common causes of eye injuries include:

  • Punches
  • Blows from hands, balls or other sports equipment
  • Flying pieces of material from explosions or industrial work
  • Flying objects like bullets, darts, fireworks, bungee cords, and BBs
  • Chemical splash
  • Protests, riots or urban warfare

Common Symptoms of Eye Injury
If you notice any of these signs in yourself or someone else, get medical help right away. These are signs of possibly serious eye injury:

  • Ongoing pain in the eye
  • Trouble seeing
  • Cut or torn eyelid
  • One eye does not move as well as the other
  • One eye sticks out of the eye socket farther than the other
  • The eye has an unusual pupil size or shape
  • There is blood in the clear part of the eye
  • The person has something in the eye or under the eyelid that tears and blinking can’t remove

Foreign Body Removal

Foreign bodies on the cornea or conjunctiva can be removed by Dr. Wright with local anesthetic and specialized removal tools. This should be done promptly to avoid long-term complications. Important: DO NOT RUB YOUR EYE. Your eyes are a very sensitive organ and by rubbing your eyes you can scratch your cornea. If simple procedures like using water to rinse the eye does not easily dislodge the foreign body call for an appointment. Prescription as well as non -prescription safety eyewear is available from Wright Eye Care Center Optical

Double Vision

Double vision is seeing two, often overlapping, images of a single object. The symptoms and possible related eye conditions/diseases in this section are for general reference only, and do not contain all visual symptoms or all possible related conditions or diseases. If you have any unusual vision symptoms, please call Dr. Wright.

Double Vision may be associated with:

  • Black Eye
  • Cataract
  • Giant Cell Arteritis
  • Glaucoma Drainage Implant
  • Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
  • Microvascular Cranial Nerve Palsy
  • Migraine
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Strabismus

Pink/Red Eye

Pink eye (often called conjunctivitis) is when the conjunctiva is irritated by an infection or allergies. Your eyes are red and swollen (inflamed), and sometimes they have a sticky discharge. You can have conjunctivitis in one or both eyes. Some types of pink eye are very contagious (easily spread from person to person).

Conjunctivitis can be caused by a virus, bacteria or by allergies. Bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are easily spread from person to person. Allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious.


Floaters look like small specks, dots, circles, lines or cobwebs in your field of vision. While they seem to be in front of your eye, they are floating inside. Floaters are tiny clumps of gel or cells inside the vitreous that fills your eye. What you see are the shadows these clumps cast on your retina.

You usually notice floaters when looking at something plain, like a blank wall or a blue sky.

As we age, our vitreous starts to thicken or shrink. Sometimes clumps or strands form in the vitreous. If the vitreous pulls away from the back of the eye, it is called posterior vitreous detachment. Floaters more often happen with posterior vitreous detachment, but you can also get them without one. They are not serious, and they tend to fade and become less noticeable over time. Severe floaters can be removed by surgery, but this has risks and is seldom necessary or recommended.


A stye (also called a hordeolum) is a small, red, painful lump that grows from the base of your eyelash or under the eyelid. Most styes are caused by a bacterial infection.  It is crucial to get a stye treated early for the best chance of complete recovery; otherwise, surgical drainage may be necessary.

There are two kinds of styes:

  • External hordeolum: A stye that begins at the base of your eyelash. Most are caused by an infection in the hair follicle. It might look like a pimple.
  • Internal hordeolum: A stye inside your eyelid. Most are caused by an infection in an oil-producing gland in your eyelid.

Watery Eyes

Your eyes can water or tear up for many reasons, including weather, allergies or, more seriously, an infection or dry eye. If you find yourself tearing up suddenly, pay attention to what you’re doing or the environmental factors you’re being exposed to when it occurs, as this might help explain why it’s happening.  If watery eyes persist, please call for an appointment with Dr. Wright. 296-297-2030


Refractive Surgery

If you have a refractive error, such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism or presbyopia, refractive surgery is a method for correcting or improving your vision. There are various surgical procedures for correcting or adjusting your eye’s focusing ability

  • LASIK – This kind of surgery uses a laser to treat vision problems caused by refractive errors. You have a refractive error when your eye does not refract (bend) light properly. Dr. Slade uses a laser to change the shape of your cornea. This laser eye surgery improves the way light rays are focused on the retina. The goal of LASIK is to correct your refractive error to improve your vision. LASIK eye surgery may reduce your need for eyeglasses or contact lenses. In some cases, it may even allow you to do without them completely.
  • Photorefractive Keratectomy ( PRK ) – With this procedure Dr. Slade uses a laser to change the shape of your cornea. If you have dry eyes or thin corneas and want to have refractive surgery, PRK may be a good choice for you. This is because some other types of refractive surgery, such as LASIK, are not recommended if you have these conditions.
  • Implantable Contact Lenses (ICL) – a lens implant made from a very thin biocompatible material is placed inside the eye between the iris and the natural lens. The ICL does not replace the eye’s natural lens, but is specifically shaped to help correct vision problems just like glasses or contact lenses. The ICL lens is not like a regular contact lens (that is placed on the cornea) but rather the ICL is inserted into the eye. The difference between ICL and glasses or contact lenses is that the lens is surgically placed into the eye and requires no maintenance from the patient. The ICL lens implant cannot be seen or felt.

Cataract Surgery

A cataract is when your eye’s natural lens becomes cloudy. Proteins in your lens break down and cause things to look blurry, hazy or less colorful. If you have a cataract, your lens has become cloudy. It is like looking through a foggy or dusty car windshield. Things look blurry, hazy or less colorful with a cataract.

  • Laser Assisted – A camera/ultrasound device is placed over your eye to map its surface. It also gathers information about your lens. The device sends the results to a computer that programs the laser. This tells the laser the exact location, size, and depth for incisions. The surgeon may use the laser to make the corneal incision and the opening in the capsule. They may also use energy from the laser to soften the cataract. An ultrasound probe breaks the lens into pieces and suctions them out. The surgeon then puts the IOL in the eye. Again, the incision usually does not need stitches.
  • Multifocal Intraocular Lenses – During cataract surgery, the patient’s natural lenses are replaced with multifocal IOLs. These new lenses improve near, intermediate, and far-distance vision. Etched onto the surface of the multifocal lens are concentric rings, which allow images at a variety of distances to focus on the retina.


  • Soft Lenses
  • Soft Toric Lenses
  • Gas Permeable (RGP)
  • Keratoconus


  • Large Selection of Frames
  • Quality Eye Glass Lenses
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Warranty